
Showing posts from November, 2009


DAY 1 早上起来... 去了机场... 就开始我那觉得满闷但是其实不错的旅行... 而且最最最重要的... 我们竟然坐那一种好像明星坐private jet时... 要在那个飞机场的land那边上飞机的那一种~~~ 超刺激!! 还用楼梯上... 那个飞机更是cute啊!! (疯了...太久没有写blog的后果) 然后我们就浩浩荡荡的上飞机去phuket了... 当然还有我的lao kao啦~~ 不到2个小时就到了... (飞机上的muffin不错啦...蛮好吃的) 然后uncle们就去租车 (这次路途不到2个小时~不然我早就晕机了) 竟然给他们租到avanza??? 一辆蓝的还有一辆金银的... (想也知道我坐那一辆啦~) 然后就不知道去签什么vehicle contract... .我和sy就在车上睡觉咯... 1个小时过后醒来... 发现... 我们怎么还在那个租车office外面!!!??? 就下去咯... 原来uncle在那边讨价还价... 而且那边还有卖wantan mee??? 也未免太奇妙了... 但是听说不怎么好吃啦... 他们的汽水大多数都是用玻璃瓶的也!!! 那种好像酒罐的... 口感真的是不一样... 最后等到4点多(那边的时间)才开车... (我们是1点多到的...) 但是我们第一个去的地方不是酒店... 是一个叫做fantasea的地方... 好像theme park的... 只是没有玩的东西罢了... 但是有很多漂亮的地方拍照... 好在我的照相机没电... 不然... 我早就拍到我的眼睛因为kena太多次的flashlight盲掉... 我们去那边是为了看一个秀... 还有供应晚餐??!! 有意大利面~~~ 寿司~~ 太幸福了... 吃到很饱后... 就去玩一些arcade... 那种丢东西然后赢洋娃娃的... 哈哈... 那时‘四十块’就诞生了... (它是用了40块才赢到的东西...) 然后去看秀... 那边还写'cameras and handphones that have built in cameras are prohibited'... ...

the day before i go to phuket

decided that i will be using english for a while anyway... this morning even go 7-11 and buy sanoplast... and stick it on my whole body... (like a mummy in bandage) and the effect was 'awesome'!!!! god it was like burnin' my skin out of my body!! painful la of course... but i don't wanna be a 独脚龙... so my sister and i just stick the whole body with this fantastic creation... and then went to pack our luggage of course... i was always the last minute one... so unlucky that... i get the merah jambu bag???!!!! because the blue one was taken by my little sister... god she is so crapy... and my mom keep scolding me about taking like most of my sleeping shirts... (t-shirt la...i don't care what i wear as long as it fits me) snd say me 'lam nua' la and ext....... also gonna leave my cosy bed... (i will miss my pika and mossy...i only taking monkey there this time) of course also gonna miss my laptop!!! 5 days without contacting my friends and...

starting of the holiday

suffering from muscle aches and also the injuries... even use sanoplast... but i don't mind anyway... as long as i won't feel like dying while walking up and down the stairs... it's all okay for me... don't wish to leave penang this holiday... but i simply have no choice do i?? wanna spend my time with my friends that i met this year... especially panda and jay jay and tutu and hueilan... felt sorry for panda that she gonna leave for shanghai the day after i take off... i will be really lonely... and jay jay will be having many things to do about st john also... but luckily will be able to see hueilan and my other friends in december... because of tuition!!! but only be able to see tutu at 2/1/2010... it's fast... that we had all reach form 5... sounds old... haha... but next year gonna be our last year right... so i gonna make the best out of the best of it!!! have fun... and study smart and sharp of course... gonna score as much as i can... ...

penang bridge INTERNATIONAL marathon

都说是international的咯... 当然... 会看到许多外国人... 前几天还看到一个外国佬穿着marathon的衣服去练跑... 还真的是有点吓到... 在适应衣服吗?? 我在星期六的傍晚7.30就躺在床上培养睡觉的情绪... (太早是睡不着的...所以要培养...不然我还不想跑道一半晕掉睡去) 但是到了10点多就不能睡了.... 因为...... 我也不知道... 就和shir sms咯... 哪里知道... 她在panda的家??! 又再来玩抛弃... 唉... 算了... 12.15 am就醒来了... (不错吧...人家等到第九个小时才起床...我们第一个小时就起床了) 刷牙... 洗脸... 冲凉... (废) 穿上那恶心的橙色vest... 就下去挖东西吃... 但是挖不到... 最后... 这位疯婆... 煮面吃??! 还真的是佩服.... 又戴上了那个champion chip... 然后ah yen 就来载我们了.... 但是.. 有没有必要泊车泊到那么远?... (我们要走到那个超远的建筑物...那边才到eastin罢了...T.T) 但是凉风习习... 还真的是不错... 好不容易走到了queensbay... 发现... 好多人哦~~~ 连fun run的都来了... 本来还想要去找均芳... 因为她将她在starbuck... 哪里知道... 她骗我... 还在家!!? 唉... 算了... 每一次我都是被骗的那一个... 当然很热闹... 因为估计有150000的人来参加... 还是15000... 不知道啦... 这里是starting point... (那个橙色的牌的) 有点像救火... 我倒是刚刚好full marathon开始... 所以有点塞... 但是我发现... 站在前面前面的... 都是黑人... (jayjay duty在槟威大桥的最尾端...遇不到了) 照片不是很明... 因为在晚上嘛... 而且full marathon跑时简直就是隆重到一种程度... 有鼓... 有舞狮?! 还是4只!!! 当然还有... 林冠英....