watashi daisuki!

after the cat's explanation...
i realize...
i like the poem 'the road not taken'...
because it fully describe my blindness...
i shouldn't be in the science class...
you see now i'm suffering from phobia...
i should be in the P class you know...
since my wish-to-be-future-job won't be anything relating to science...
it's all math!!!
the 1st reason i get into the science class is because of my blindness...
*i've just said it up there...
there're people talking about how cool science stream is...
how many paths you can choose...
but i don't wanna be a chemist,physicist or a biologist...
i don't want to be a doctor,a pharmacist or a scientist either!
i just want to be with my dear math...
*oh god i should just marry it...
and if i choose that at the 1st place...
none of that would have happen...
and i won't feel awkward when i'm at the counter...
silly me...
anyways to be honest...
i'm moody lately...
because when i go to school...
i dunno how should i react with one of my bf's problem...
she's so confused...
and i don't want her to think me as some friend that is not considerate...
and then there's another 1...
and i don't want her to think that she's abandoned...
then time by time i realize...
i don't have time to think about my own...
i have problems in my house...
and i have problems missing my friend...
and i have problem with her in school...
*not you guys in class don't worry...
shir's right...
this kind of stuff should be resolved before we graduate...
i don't really want to see her crying again in the graduation ceremony...
like what she did last year in school for the last day...
as an s4c/2009 student...
i don't want to feel regret in the end...
like how i feel right now when i made that phone call...
but there's no time machine right...
i might as well just accept this and move along...
pretend that she never exist...
but at least i don't need to do things for her you know...
it's quite enjoyable...
i'm confused...
ps:if you know what i'm writing for the title then you'll know that i still care....but maybe you guys probably can't really read...


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