

Feels like this has been my temporary place to go when I feel like crap lol. Dad's boss and his company are not doing very well recently. And my mom asked me to move back to my room until they fix the study room. Not like I am sad with that decision. There might be a chance as well, since well, the master feng shui guy said so. But I don't mind moving back if that brings my dad back to tracks again And there's the part where i need to pay for braces Not sad at all tbh But maybe I will do it around March if that's the case Since I need to pile money sia But the fact I'm sad is that Why can't I just go When your parents are saying that you guys so geng then settle yourselves lah But they refuse to let you leave the house I AM REALLY ON THE VERGE ON BREAKING Like, I really can't do this anymore Can I just rent a room and stay outside

Lost Pup

When times are tough and I have no where to go to, I think I will always come back here...after 5 years since my last post lol. Reason I came back here: 1. No one will see this except me I guess, since it's long abandoned 2. I don't feel like want to tell all these dark secrets to people, and yet a part of me just want to write it over here so that maybe some stranger will read this, and move on, at least part of my story is known by someone else 3. I have friends who are busy with life, and being me, I don't like to trouble people, even if it's just some small matter 4. I need to let some of my words out, before I implode. So here I go I feel like committing suicide at times, even though I'm already this old. I'm always conflicting with myself own self. People who know me, will know that I have a great life for now. Like I have a job that is actually fun, and what I've always wanted. I have family, who actually care for me, but I don...


since it's after the exams and i've finally settle down with all my stuffs... i shall..... post a blog.... sorry to all the seniors(yah you know!i'm talking to you!).. that i've been abandoning my blog for a very very very VERY long time.... this is not a conspiracy....!(and i dont think i'm that smart to make it looks like a conspiracy) because i think that i dont really spill a lot in facebook and the blogger is considering my private space.... since not a lot of people knows about it... for the past.........3 years perhaps....? i've been fine... i eat well sleep well and everything went well.... meet new friends.... and made some enemies in between..... well honestly speaking.... i wasn't been controlling my temper well for the past 2 years... i dunno whether it's because of some domestic conflicts and blah... which lead me to this kind of sudden volcano eruption....? or wadsoever... those who know me knows that i'm not those ki...


明天... 明天... 明天... 明天... 明天... 这样...  还是这样? 看天了...


昨天去了王后湾~ 花了半个小时从artist gallery走到hong kong video.... 到了最后下了三楼走了200m的路... 到了speedy店... 终于给我找到了! 厂厂~  严爵的第一张debut-desu ne~! 哈哈哈... 都不知道害我跑了几间店啊! rm37.90... 还好啦...便宜过王力宏的... 哈哈... 忽然想到如果我中matriculation的话... 我就没机会买他的第二张专辑了!!!!! 不行啊!!! 拜天拜地拜观音拜托让我买到啊! 算了顺其自然... T.T 去买棒棒糖时看到了这...  好巧哦... 我在营地吃的都在这里... 还排排坐也! 哈哈btw jusco的tuna饭团不好吃... 太干了少了点mayo... 所以下一次我要买unagi的时候了! 哇哈哈! 闪了! 送上严爵可爱帅气照片一张! ^^^^^^可爱爆了! peace out!


  大家好噢! 白咖啡上线了~ 哈哈听我主人说你们都很像我哦... 害到我想哭都没得哭... 毕竟我住在北极哭了眼泪即刻变冰那时又要把它从皮肤拔掉很痛的...~ 很惊讶?我竟然会打部落格... 我没有手指不代表我没有手啊~ 我还会泡咖啡洗衣服种花洗盘碗开电视骑脚车扫地去菜市买菜... 有时候还会带我的女朋友出街玩叻... 我最近还很好噢你们呢? 只是主人最近很懒哦... 他不要帮我冲凉也... 我不爽了... *background:主人在大骂我爆他料-ing...* 看吧我还很好没烂没洞... 脚还是那么大头还是那么大身体还是一样不能支撑我的头... 所以我坐着哦~ 顺便介绍... 我的同床一号....  laokao... 是一只很没用的猴子... 天天只会滚... 两岁半... 大我不多...  我的同床二号... pika... 名字是从皮卡丘那里拿来的... 有九岁了... 还是一样很年轻... 都不知道他怎样保养的SK II 一定用很多... 那主人还真的是有够有钱哦~ 有空去敲他一笔~ ps:我也觉得他的坐姿很欠打...有一次主人让他穿黑眼镜我差点吓死... 很像黑社会......................................................................................................的老大...  我们的家~ 对是一张单人床... 我们三个每晚睡觉时都很辛苦... 三个人挤一张床你们试试看... 有一次醒来发现laokao把他的屁股放在我头上! 难怪那晚睡觉时有一种怪怪的味道.... ==  但是其实我很斯文的哦~ 因为每天当laokao和pika在打架时... pika赢的时候... 我只会坐在那里乖乖的观赛....  当然laokao赢的时候... 我也是坐在那里观赛... 有时候我都觉得他们很开心有我观赛开心过头然后才打架的... 哈哈... 如果各位有什么话想跟我讲的可以留言在那蓝色的chatbox里哦... 不用怕我每天都会开部落格看看的~ 好咯女朋友催我了我该闪了! happy labour day~!的说!


 今天早上八点... 当我的电话闹钟开始唱:谢谢你给的美好~我绝对不会忘掉~虽然................ 我竟然把闹钟关掉... 然后倒回去... 开始恢复知觉的时候... 上午九点三十二分二十五秒.... 不会很迟啦... 非常迟罢了! 够力啊睡过头了! 但是其实今天也没什么重要的东东做... 所以迟醒没什么啦~ 哈哈只是要在妈从菜市回来之前把衣服晾完罢了~ 啦啦啦~ 做好所有的东东后就开始 瞪 研究中六数学咯! 但是当我正在研究得很投入的时候... *ps:我真的有在做数学今天写了八张纸哦!* ‘爱琳啊!!’ ‘哈!?’ 顿时被吓到... 跳起来... 然后... 撞到柱子... 柱子你也未免太善良了吧七早八早送我一粒荷包蛋... 还送到我头上=.= ps:这很明显不是我桌子...我桌子被我表弟占领了...T.T...卑鄙趁我去当兵时霸掉了...T.T... 我姐留下来的数学书... 中六的数学还真的是好玩...  研究到听歌都不知道听了几首... 纸都不知道用了几张...    写得累了... 忽然心血来潮写了一张‘to do list'… 哈哈…  咳咳… 1. 要买严爵的第一和第二张专辑----没有买太可惜了! 2. 买新眼镜!----久的眼镜片三年没换了...被许多不明物件aka u.n.l.o 刮到........总之很悲就是了... 3. 拿时间表...----补习的... 4. 把要看的动漫/漫画看完...----不然开学时我一定完蛋了... 5. 开学之前烘一块蛋糕.....----闷嘛....但是应该不可能...如果我妈十六个小时好像涂了万能胶粘着我的话... 6. 买mini shopaholic...----小本的上架了!但是..........看吧~! 7. 画张漫画投稿去漫周....----如果很很很有空的话...^^ 下午时忽然心血来潮*好多心血来潮哦今天~*收拾我的桌子... 我的变态表弟用了不收拾又把他全部的书都放在桌子上... 我快抓狂了啦! 开了我的'家产橱’... 我想你们看了应该会知道为什么我这样叫它吧...  我的书都在里面... 整理到一半... 看到这...  证明我一月...