i see people walk by...
some are happy...
some are sad...
some are frustrated...
some seems lonely...
we all keep seeing people walking by...
struting by...
pacing by...
dragging by...
running by..
rushing by...
but sometimes those who rush by...
never slow down...
and take a look of this amazing world...
that is full of live...
and all they did was just scan through the scene...
and start rushing by again...
and this routine keep repeating...
in th hollow,hustle and bustle city...
and someone who pacing by...
mostly have their eyes on the floor...
that they never lift up their faces...
and face the beauty...
of what nature gave us...
a jungle made of cement...
but not by mother nature...
thousands of trash and pollutant were releases...
but no one care...
they think that what they did was right...
without even have a heart of concern...
about what will happen to the other living...
homo sapiens...
as an animal themselves...
had unbalance the ecosystem...
but at least...
just don't hurt mother nature...
that let us live on her...
don't forget that...
she's the one that provide us needs...
so that we could live...
ps:i don't even know what am i writing...just a way to release my stress...haha
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